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Superintendent of Schools



Dear RBUSD Families and Community,


Happy 2024! Many of you may recall I shared a Japanese concept last year, Ikigai. It means your reason for being. In Japanese, ‘Iki’ means ‘life’ and ‘gai’ describes one’s value or worth. Ikigai is what brings one joy, life purpose, and the inspiration to get out of bed each day. The good news, according to the Japanese, is we all have Ikigai. For some, it takes some soul searching to find it, while for others it comes easily. The New Year is a great time to remind ourselves of our Ikigai, as well as encourage and remind our students to think about their passion and purpose. Ikigai is the pilot light that keeps our inner flame of ambition burning. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your Ikigai.  




Like many, I thought about a resolution or intention for the year. I read an article recently that mentioned there is a difference between resolutions and intentions. Resolutions typically focus on actions, goals, and outcomes. Intentions focus on how one approaches life, as they provide clarity on how one will live their life differently. Both require a conscientious effort to improve your life. In RBUSD, measurable actions and goals are important to ensure we are working together towards a shared vision. As important, is to reflect on how we can each positively impact others’ goals, intentions, and Ikigai. Often, our life’s worth is enhanced when we focus on enhancing the lives of others. I hope you will join me in this mindset. 


As we begin 2024 and continue our current school year, reflection has reminded me of the exponential impact we have as a united school community. Team RBUSD is committed to prioritizing student and staff safety while keeping a focus on academic growth and social emotional wellbeing. Simply put, we want all students to thrive both in and out of the classroom and enjoy their experience while they journey through this amazing school district. To this end, your partnership is vital. We all have the ability to make a positive impact on our students and on each other. By working together toward our strategic plan goals, doing our individual part, assuming positive intent, and being kind to each other (even during difficult times), we can provide a better experience for our students. Together, we have collectively created a school community that is thriving. Let us keep the momentum going in 2024!


Being a part of the RBUSD community is my Ikigai. I hope it is yours, too.




Nikki Wesley

Your Superintendent