Departments » Educational Services » Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

RBUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program

RBUSD is committed to an educational program that recognizes the unique needs and talents of its students. The core of RBUSD’s GATE program is based on classroom instruction. Its highly-qualified teachers are well equipped to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of gifted students and differentiate by exploring depth of knowledge, complexity, and, when appropriate, acceleration. This instructional support provides the necessary challenge for gifted students to reach their full potential. To enrich their learning experience, GATE students are provided after school enrichment opportunities over the course of the year.


It is important to note that participation in GATE does not automatically guarantee that secondary students will be identified for honors/AP courses, and students not participating in GATE may still participate in honors/AP courses.


With the transition to the Common Core State Standards and a new state assessment system replacing the California Standards Test (CST), the Redondo Beach Unified School District reevaluated the criteria for GATE eligibility. RBUSD students are eligible for GATE by performing at or above the 95th percentile on a single administration of the Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) or the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT). All third grade students in RBUSD will have equal opportunity to participate in either the OLSAT or NNAT assessment. Third grade parents are notified as the spring testing window approaches and will have the opportunity for their child to opt-out of testing. Fourth and fifth grade students who have not taken the OLSAT/NNAT in previous years and/or are new to RBUSD will also have the opportunity to participate in testing.


Students from outside districts, both in-state and out-of-state, with existing GATE eligibility who transfer into the Redondo Beach Unified School District may have their eligibility evaluated by the Office of Educational Services upon request.


If your child does not qualify for GATE identification, that does not mean that he/she is not bright and does not have incredible school and life potential. Please be sensitive in talking with your child about this topic as we do not want any student to feel any undue pressure, anxiety or stress about this topic. If you have concerns, please seek out your child's teacher or principal.


GATE Enrichment Classes

GATE students in grade 4-8 are invited to participate in after school enrichment classes. Each elementary and middle schools will offer three modules over the course of the year. See the GATE coordinator at your child’s school site for specific dates and times.  

Gate Site Specialists

School GATE Site Specialist Contact Information
Alta Vista Jamie Siler [email protected]
Beryl Heights Jill Salinaz [email protected]
Birney Cassie Wilson [email protected] 
Jefferson Emily Butler  [email protected] 
Lincoln Steve Johnson [email protected]
Madison Kristen Lem 
Tulita Tracy Kelley
Washington Juliet Mathenge [email protected] 
Adams Middle Amy Tennant [email protected]
Parras Middle Jodi Carr


District GATE Contact:
Lisa Veal, Executive Director, Educational Services - [email protected]

Breigh Decker, Elementary TOSA, Educational Services - [email protected]