Families » Enroll in RBUSD » Permit Information

Permit Information

For the remainder of the 2024-25 school year, Inter-District Permit Applications for NEW STUDENTS' admittance to RBUSD will be considered on a case by case basis, and based on space availability. All applications must be submitted through the on-line platform, must be complete, and must have all required documentation attached.
The window to submit a New Student Inter-District Permit Application for the upcoming (2025-26) school year will be open between February 3, and March 31, 2025. Priority is not on a first come, first served basis. Any applications submitted within this time frame will be entered into a lottery, if needed. Pending lottery outcome, permits submitted after this date will be added to the end of the waitlist in the order received. 
The 2025-2026 Permit Application will be available on February 3, 2025
Redondo Beach Unified School District's first commitment is to provide a quality education for students living within Redondo's attendance boundaries. If a student that lives outside those attendance boundaries desires to attend Redondo schools, they must adhere to the following procedure (BP/AR 5117):
  • Obtain permission to be released from the district in which the student resides by visiting your home district's Student Services/Educational Services office and requesting an Inter-District Permit Release. Obtaining a permit from the school district in which you reside does not mandate acceptance by the Redondo Beach Unified School District. You must still be accepted to RBUSD to attend.

  • Complete and submit RBUSD's Inter-District Permit Application through the online platform. Paper copies will not be accepted. Be sure to attach the permit release from your district of residency along with a copy of the student's most recent report card showing current grade level, and any additonal documentation requested on application. 

  • Once you submit your application, you will receive an automated email confirmation that it has been delivered. 

  • Please note:  Receipt of your permit application does not guarantee acceptance into the requested school.

  • Notification of the RBUSD Inter-District Permit Lottery (to be held in April if necessary) will be sent to all applicants. All names will be drawn in the public lottery in order to create a prioritized waitlist. Should space become available between the lottery and the first 2 weeks of the school year, families will be notified in the order in which they were selected during the lottery process. If a permit is accepted, students are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance, effort, academic achievement, and behavior.

  • A determination of all permit applications will be made as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the start of the school year for which a family is applying. For requests submitted during a current school year, a final decision will be made within 30 calendar days. Letters indicating final denial decisions will be sent and will include information regarding right to appeal to Los Angeles County Board of Education.

  • When it has been determined that space is available at a particular grade level and/or school site for enrollment, priority shall be established using the following guidelines (RBUSD Board Policy (BP) 5117):

    1. Priority for new Inter-District Permit Applications shall be granted first to children of current permanent employees of the District. "Children" shall be limited to each permanent employee's immediate family, including step-children living with them at least 50% of the time. To enjoy this priority, applicants must submit all required paperwork for Inter-District transfers via the online platform. 

    2. After Inter-District transfers are accepted for children of current permanent employees of the District, priority may be granted to students who have one or more siblings currently enrolled in the school district. To enjoy this priority, applicants must submit all required paperwork for Inter-District transfers via the online platform.

Inter-District permits are also necessary for Redondo Beach residents who are requesting to have their child attend a public school outside of the Redondo Beach Unified School District. Information regarding Inter-District permits is available in Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5117
To apply to be released from RBUSD, please refer to the Board Policy and fill out the application for the appropriate school year. Submit the completed application and attach the necessary supporting documents online. Please note that the same proofs of residency required for enrollment within the Redondo Beach Unified School District are also required for release from RBUSD and are outlined on the application. Allow a minimum of 14 days from submission for release applications for the current school year. Release Applicants for the 2025-26 school year will receive notification of approval or denial as soon as possible, but no later than September 2, 2025.

Once a student is admitted to a District school on the basis of an Inter-District Attendance Permit, he/she shall not be required to reapply for an Inter-District transfer and shall be allowed to continue to attend the school in which he/she is enrolled, unless reapplication standards are otherwise in the Inter-District attendance agreement (California Education Code 46600).


Students enrolled in Kinder through 8th grades on a Lawndale, Hawthorne, or Lennox permit must reapply for a Centinela Valley Union High School District permit release prior to their matriculation to Redondo Union High School.

It is the expectation of the Redondo Beach Unified School District that any student attending school on an Inter-District Attendance Permit maintains satisfactory attendance, satisfactory grades, and satisfactory behavior at all times.


Once a student is admitted to a District school on the basis of an Inter-District Attendance Permit, he/she shall not be required to reapply for an Inter-District transfer and shall be allowed to continue to attend the school in which he/she is enrolled, unless reapplication standards are otherwise in the Inter-District attendance agreement (California Education Code 46600).


However, an Inter-District Attendance Permit may be revoked at any time for the following reasons (California Education Code 46600 & RBUSD Administrative Regulation 5117): excessively tardy or absent from school; failure to uphold behavior standards; poor academic achievement and/or effort; false or misleading information was provided in applying for the Inter-District Attendance Permit; and other conditions that occur that would render continuance inadvisable. Terms and conditions are further outlined in writing at time of enrollment and/or acceptance of inter-district permit.

Redondo Beach Unified School District is obligated to provide an education for those students who reside within its attendance boundaries. From time to time, a student's residency is researched because of continued tardies, returned mail, excessive absence or statements from students indicating they live outside of Redondo Beach.

When the Superintendent or designee reasonably believes that a student's parent/guardian has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency, he/she may make reasonable efforts to determine that the student meets district residency requirements. An investigation may be initiated when the Superintendent or designee is able to identify specific, articulable facts supporting the belief that the parent/guardian has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency. (Ed Code 48204.148204.2, BP  5111.1)

Please contact Educational Services office at:

(310) 937-1223


  • February 3, 2025 - Begin reviewing Inter-District Permit Applications, and School of Choice or Dual Immersion Requests
  • February 28, 2025 -Deadline for School of Choice Requests and Dual Immersion.
  • March 17, 2025- Public lottery for Dual Immersion Program
  • March 20, 2025- Public lottery for School of Choice
  • March 31, 2025 - Deadline to submit Applications to be included in Inter-District Permit  Lottery for 2025-26
  • April 4, 2025 - Public lottery for Inter-district permits
  • April 1 to August 29, 2025 - Inter-District Permits  Applications turned in during this timeframe are added to the end of  the list established by Lottery
  • August 29, 2025 - Pending lottery, last day to turn in a Inter-District permit request for the 2025-26 school year.

Students who live in the Area of Choice may choose to submit an Inter-District Permit Release online to attend Mira Costa High School.

The Area of Choice is defined as :
  • Redondo Beach residents living south of Artesia Blvd., west of Aviation Blvd, and east of Harper Avenue, or
  • Redondo Beach residents living north of Artesia Blvd., west of Inglewood Avenue, east of Aviation Blvd, and south of Manhattan Beach Blvd.