Enrollment Information
What is your school of residency? Use the School Locator (click here) and type in your home address. The map will help you determine which RBUSD school is your neighborhood school.
What grade is your student eligible for enrollment? It is recognized that students do their best work in school when they are placed in a grade with other students of the same chronological age. The following links (2024-25 Grade Level Placement, 2025-26 Grade Level Placement) provide RBUSD guidelines for placing students at the appropriate grade level. Please contact your neighborhood school if you have any questions regarding grade-level placement.
Are you the parent/guardian of an incoming Transitional Kindergarten (TK) student? Children who will turn 5 between September 2, 2025 and September 1, 2026 are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. (Enrollment for TK for 2025-26 school year will begin on February 3, 2025.)
Follow the link ABOVE to complete your enrollment application online. Be prepared to answer demographic and health information about your family, student and emergency contacts. If you are enrolling more than one student, you will be prompted to complete each student individually under the same account.
The enrollment system linked ABOVE is for Redondo Beach residents only. If you reside outside of RBUSD boundaries and are interested in applying for a permit to attend an RBUSD school, please visit our Permit Information page.
After you submit your online application, you will receive a confirmation email. To complete the enrollment process, you will need to contact your neighborhood school to submit the required documentation.
Required Documentation is as follows:
- Proof of Age: Birth Certificate or Passport
- State Immunization Records: For more information click here.
- Verification of Identity (Parent): Driver’s License, State ID or Passport
- Verification of Residency: Document from both Category A and Category B are required
- Category A - ONE of the following documents from Category A with the parent/legal guardian name and address:
- Homeowners: most recent property tax bill or escrow paperwork
- Renters: Annual or Monthly Rental or Lease Agreement (both parent/guardian name and address must appear on agreement as well as manager/owner name and current phone number). The agreement must include the minor/children that reside at the said property
- Category B - ONE of the following documents from Category B with the parent/legal guardian name and address
- Current Utility Bill (gas, water or electric only) with current address or verification of service connection.
- Current Income Tax Document with current address (from the IRS, State, and/or County)
- Current Payroll Stub (both name and current address must appear on payroll stub)
- Current Social Services documents (CalWorks or Social Security)
- Category A - ONE of the following documents from Category A with the parent/legal guardian name and address:
- If Applicable: Copy of recent IEP or 504 Plan
- For Middle School Students: A current/most recent copy of their report card
Applications must be received in February
After submitting your required documentation to the school site, the office staff will verify your enrollment is complete. Additional requests pertaining to enrollment are listed below. Links to forms will be available at your neighborhood school upon confirmation of your enrollment within the RBUSD. Note: all students must complete registration at their neighborhood school prior to requesting applications for Transitional Kindergarten, School of Choice, and the Washington Dual Immersion Program
- School of Choice: The purpose of School Of Choice (SOC) is to request enrollment at a school site other than your assigned neighborhood school. Request the application from your neighborhood school office after you complete enrollment and submit to the District office by February 28, 2025. If needed, a lottery for School of Choice will be held on March 20, 2025. For more information on the School of Choice process – click here.
- Washington Dual Immersion Program: Enrollment to the Dual Immersion Program (DI) is only open to incoming Kinder students. This program is housed at Washington Elementary School. Families residing in Redondo Beach should request a Dual Immersion application from your neighborhood school after you complete enrollment. Applications must be submitted to Educational Services by February 28, 2025. If needed, a lottery for the Washington Spanish Dual Immersion Program will be held on March 17, 2025. If your child's name is in the lottery, you will receive notification of the lottery details in advance. For more information on our DI program – click here for FAQs or visit the Washington Elementary School website.